So we ask ourselves, are we playing a role consciously, deliberately, to look around and to see the world and to see if this is the world we want, is this the world we are participating in to create?

Dhyan Vimal, Founder

The Global Peace Effort is to bring consciousness and awareness so we become more mindful of the surroundings of poverty, loss in human rights, gender inequality and many more issues that humanity suffers from. Dhyan Vimal has created a series of programmes so we may have the initiative and ability to act to support the betterment of humanity.

These programmes are a way of exploring, learning, and answering contemplations that reflect how we participate with how life at large can be. The lessons are based on the core principles of Friends to Mankind such as: “In considering you, consider another too.”

Participants will learn the deeper meaning of personal growth, and what it means to live a life that benefits not only oneself, but all of humanity. A simple action that ensures our future generations inherit a world that has set the stage for global peace.


This programme consists of a series of contemplations that will help us navigate our life so we may wake up to deliberately participate in the life and world we choose to live in. It addresses the essentials questions of where we are and how we want to be as part of humanity.

Participate with us as we reflect on DV’s six agreements and deeper contemplations.

Dhyan Vimal’s 6 Rites initiation enters an inquiry into 6 powerful Rites and Mudras; and learn to consciously create a life that we choose to live, not a life based on unconscious happenings. The 6 Rites are some of the most profound tools we can learn to start creating the life we choose to live out.


Established in 2014, DV Masterclass houses a large selection of video, audio lectures and articles by Dhyan Vimal on growth, awakening, meditation, success, learning, personal transformation and much more. The Free Library offers a curated selection of lectures for those interested in exploring more on these topics.

The 90 Day Mastery Challenge is a series of video contemplations that are addressed in a simple direct but engaging way that creates a space for much to be seen and realised in which Dhyan Vimal takes you day by day on a journey of self-discovery.